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华夏中文学校大费城分校宗旨为教授中文,弘扬中华文化,服务社区,促使中华文化融入美国多元文化并为之做出贡献。学校使用汉语拼音和简体字教材教授中文,并设有各类才艺课程和成人班,还有丰富多彩的家长活动。学校招收五岁以上学生,每周星期日下午一点至五点授课。每学年30周。欢迎加入华夏中文学校大费城分校! Our missions are to teach Chinese language, promote Chinese culture to the public, and serve the local communities. The school offers simplified Chinese, phonetic system (Pin Yin), and culture classes as well as parent activities every Sunday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM except holidays. There are 30 sessions per calendar year. The school admits students of at least 5 years of age, regardless of gender, race, religion, or heritage. Welcome to HuaXia Chinese School at Great Valley !
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