School Rules for Students  

1.按时到校上课, 不随便迟到早退。
Be on time to school. Parent’s note is required after tardiness or absence. Please don’t arrive late or leave early without permission.

2.按时独立完成作业, 考试不许作弊。
Turn in homework assignments on time, no cheating for in-class tests.

3.尊敬老师和同学,不得打架骂人, 提问时举手。
Respect teachers and fellow students. Raise hand before asking or answering questions.

No yelling, shouting, chasing and fighting in hallway.

No food or drink (except water) in classrooms.

6.不得擅自动用, 拿走, 损坏学校的电脑, 教具, 墙报, 或其它物品。
Leave your classroom as tidy as you found it.

7.不得在学校任何地方涂抹, 包括桌, 椅, 墙, 地。没有老师允许, 不得在黑板上写字或擦掉别人写的字。
Respect school property. Do not write on board or erase other people’s writing without teacher’s permission.

No student is allowed to bring any electronic games and toys to the classrooms.


  1. 华夏中文学校是我们自己的学校。家长们 应该关心学校,爱护学校,一切从学校的利益出发,协助校务处和家长会,共同把学校办好。Huaxia Chinese School at Great Valley is owned by all registered families. It is governed by school board, school administration, and PTO. Parental support & cooperation is vital to the success at our school.
  2. 家长每周轮流值班制度, 服从学校和家长会工作人员的安排, 协助维护学校秩序和学生安全。 清理及检查课后教室及校内环境。Each family is expected to serve family duty at least twice per school year. Duties included supervising entrance & hallways, ensuring the classrooms are clean and back to its orders, or supporting various school activities.
  3. 尊重当地学校的财产和制度。 负责赔赏自己孩子损害的公物或违规的罚金。 每位家长应将车子停在规定的停车位置。 不要将车子停在防火线内Respected local school’s and teacher’s properties. You will be financially responsible to any damaged made by your family to the school’s and teacher’s properties. Please observe the parking rule around the school building
  4. 关心自己孩子在学习上的情况,从正面引导孩子学习中文的兴趣。多和老师进行交流,鼓励,帮助和督促孩子学好中文。Be observant about students progress. Positively stimulate student’s interests in learning Chinese. Keep active communication with teacher about students.
  5. 督促、帮助自己的孩子履行学生守则。并在行为上给孩子们作出榜样,协助学校执行规章制度。Encourage and assist students to follow school policies and regulations. Be a role model of following the school roles.
  6. 服从学校的分班和课室的安排。任何意见要求,请向校务组商榷。切不可自行闯入教室或与老师发生争执。Respect the class arrangement. Please bring any of your concerns to school administration team directly.
  7. 上课时,未经老师允许,学生家长不能进入教室,亦不能拥挤在门口或在走廊上大声喧哗,以免影响老师上课。鼓励大家当班级家长。Parents should not sit in the classroom without teacher’s permit. Please be considerate and avoid any behaviors inside or outside of the classroom that may interrupt the class. Please volunteer your time for being a class parent.
  8. 放学回家后,要及时检查孩子的书包,了解孩子的作业情况、老师的要求、和学校的通知,并积极配合,督促孩子完成老师、学校布置的任务。After each class, become familiar with any homework assignment, teacher’s request and school announcement that student has brought home. Please ensure student has completed all assignments before next class.
  9. 积极参加中文课家长教师会议和家长大会。听取教学、办学、财务等报告。随时向校务组与家长会提出有关意见和建议。Actively participate in school’s meetings, seminaries and open house. You are encouraged to provide any constructive suggestions or criticism to school management.